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girl"Are we going to go bankrupt!? and you said the company has no money at all!! What about my paycheck!?"

boss"I'm so sorry! I'm so sorry! You can take as many of these samples as you want instead!

Look, these are made from very special materials and they are so expensive.

Why don't you sell them on the Internet flea market or on Internet auction!!"

girl"No...nononononono!! I don't mean that!! If I don't get my paycheck today, I'll be in serious trouble with my rent and utility bills!! It makes my minimally human life difficult!!"

boss"Ya,,,yeah, you just have to sell them!! sell them!!"

~??? days to quit humans~

I made an experimental horizontal writing version. Do you like this?

I prefer vertical writing. The reason for this is that Japanese is written vertically and you read from right to left, so you can read English in the same way you would read English if it were written vertically.

And if you can get used to this gaze shift, I think it will be advantageous for you. because many comics are designed for vertical writing, so vertical reading skills will help you make them easier to read!

And horizontal one took a long time to make because it required a lot of line breaks and changing the size of the characters.

I'll post a twitter poll here just for my reference, but I'll be writing vertically no matter what the result is.

twitter post: 1245439588186783744





In that image, the horizontal writing is not as good as the vertical. It would be better if the speech balloons were also horizontal, but that would take way too much work. イラストでは、横書きは縦書きほど良くありません。吹き出しも水平にしたほうがいいのですが、多くの努力を必要とします。


oh I cant wait to see where this is going!


It's a little easier to read horizontal, but I understand why you do it vertical, and I am used to reading it vertical now in English.


Yeah, that's right. The task of re-writing the balloons would spoils my motivation.


Yeah, sound nice! And your vertical reading skills will help you in reading other manga. (because the order of the pictures in the manga is based on the premise of vertical reading!)


For English horizontal (my language), I don't have to tilt my head sideways! YAY!