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boy "...well,I have a suggestion but why don't we play a very hard one. like the play that destroy your mind."

girl "m!! of course!! If I notice that you treat me an easy practice, I'll be disappointed."

boy "OK,If you say so!!"

girl "(woaa/// I'm painted now!!)"

boy "Next! Face! I'll take off your blindfold but keep your eyes closed."

girl "m!!"

boy "I'll put ears on!"

girl "It must be a hairband with ears////"

boy "It almost done!! put your hands up!!"

girl "m!!"

girl "(How do I look like now? I'm really hoping to be an adorable mouse character... like this? like this? Ohh, I can't wait for completion!!)"

boy "Arms,restraining...done."

girl "(Oh,what tough cuffs////)"exciting

boy "And this,"

girl "(A collar////)"

boy "And this one!!"

girl "(ohh/// how embarrassing pose it is!!)"

boy "I'm gonna inserting a tail..."

girl "Waheh!!"

boy "mm, It's stucked. Let me leave that matter for later."

girl "NYOOO!!!"

boy "And this is the unique restraint gear..."

boy "oops!!"

girl "OOOOUCHHH!!!"(Eyes open!!)

girl "...wa...what is this...? Am I... a rat...?"(depressing)

boy "uhh, she doesn't like this?"



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