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Nanami "I...I hope she was just exaggerating..."

staff "Do you mind if I bleach your hair?"

Nanami "EEEEH!?"

staff "Or do you mind if I shave your head and painting?"

Nanami "Bleach please!!"

Nanami "Nooo... my appearance is becoming less and less human being..."

staff "Right. You're going to be the holy-chicken now..."

Nanami "......"

staff "Now, you have a cute comb. That's really great on you!!"

staff "Then I'm gonna put tail feathers on you!! It'll sting a bit."

Nanami "Sting!? Ha!? excuse me!?"


Nanami "Ouch!!"

staff "Don't move!! or I'll sting in the wrong place!"

Nanami "EH!!"




Nanami "Haa haa..."

staff "Good girl, It's almost done..."

Nanami "Haa haa..."

staff "By tradition. the mother chicken is not allowed to use her hands, so let me seal your hands."

staff "And Mika as Miko. She's on a mission to take care of you. If you need anything, don't hesitate to turn to her."

staff "OK, It's done!! Enter the room Mika!!"

Nanami (Ohh...It's done...? but...I still...naked...)

Mika "Y,Yes Ma'am!!"




I have a feeling the old lady wasn't exaggerating


I'm curious what the shave and cut would look like?