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Thank you for always taking the time to translate your works to English as well! I'm sure it's a lot of extra work for you, so I greatly appreciate it! I've been wondering if you could use extra help to check your translations? There are sometimes small grammar errors - they don't really affect the meaning, but sometimes they can be a little distracting. I'd gladly read over these text files in advance. I'm sure other fans would support you in the same way as well. Maybe it would be a good idea to post them before you fill the text into the speech bubbles?


I appreciate your suggestion very much. I know that my translation is not perfect. So I would like to ask you and other fans for extra help. I'm very pleased. but I won't post text file before I fill the text into the speech bubbles, I will continue to post as I always have I think. because I wish I would like to be just a part of your joy. if it becomes the norm to have a check first, the person doing the check may feel obligated to do it, or may lose sleeping time. I would like to avoid such a situation as of January 2021.


So I will continue to post in the same way as before, but if anyone would like to help with the translation, please post natural English text in the comments section of the text file, and I will retouch the speech bubbles.(If I had the motivation;)) So if anyone start to feel obligated to check the text, or start to loosing sleeping time, Please feel free to go back to being a reader. I WILL NEVER feel disappointed or something like that if anyone stops to helping. If all the checker are silenced, It's not a problem. I will still be posting as usual. Needless to say, the most important thing for you is yourself and your time. Nevertheless, I would be more than happy to help you with my translations of your own free will. Thank you very much.


I'm not sure if I translated it correctly, so original text here.


翻訳のお手伝いの申し出ありがとうございます。 私は自分の翻訳が荒削りであることを自覚しておりますので、お手伝いしていただけるというのであれば是非お願いしたいと思っております。 しかし、私は先にテキストファイルをアップせず、今まで通りのやり方で投稿していくと思います。 なぜなら私は皆様の数あるうちの楽しみの一つでありたいと望んでおります。 なので先にチェックがあるということが当たり前ということになってしまってはチェックをする人が義務を感じてしまったり、チェックをすることで睡眠時間を削ってしまうようなことになり得るからです。 私はそのようなことは避けたいと2021年1月段階ではそう考えております。 ですので私は今まで通りのやり方で投稿を続けますが、もし翻訳のお手伝いをしたいという方がいらっしゃればテキストファイルのコメント欄に自然な英語文章を投稿していただければ幸いです。 それを見て私は吹き出しの文章を修正するということになると思います。(・・・私に余力があればw) ですのでもしチェックすることに義務を感じてしまうようになったり、チェックすることで睡眠時間が削られてしまうような事態になってしまうのであれば、本当に何の気兼ねもなくいつもどおりの読者に戻って頂ければと思います。 私はそのことに対して何も恨むことも悲しむこともありませんので安心してください。 仮にお手伝いしていただける方が全員沈黙したとしても私はいつもどおりの投稿をしているのですから。 それに言うまでもなく皆様にとって一番大事なものは皆様御自身であり皆様御自身の時間でございます。 それでもなお皆様の自由意志のもと、私の翻訳のお手伝いをしていただけるのであれば私にとってこれほど嬉しいことはございません。ありがとうございます。


Thank you for the response! I'm moved that you are this considerate of your fans. I intended to make as little extra work for you as possible. As the corrections are very small, please don't take too much time out of your regular schedule redoing works you already finished (I'm looking forward to new works after all!). I will start writing translations in the comments starting from here. Correcting older works seems much less important, but perhaps I will have a look at them later as well.


Corrections: Hinata "...hmm? wait... She's gonna stay in Osaka for the week end... It's mean...!?" Hinata "...hmm? wait... She's gonna stay in Osaka for the week end... that means...!?" Hinata "There is a night when no one will ever see me!?" Hinata "There will be one night where no one can see me!?" Hinata "I'll have lots of time to try more "difficult cosplay"." Hinata "I'll have lots of time to try a more "difficult cosplay"." Hinata "Ayaka!! You are about to forget Shinkansen ticket!!" Hinata "Ayaka!! You are about to forget your Shinkansen ticket!!" Hinata "Have a nice travel..." Hinata "Have a nice trip..."


Hinata "I thought I could try cosplay from the morning, but she could come back for something she forgot." Hinata "I thought I could start cosplaying in the morning, but she could come back for something she forgot." Hinata "Well... I'll see how it goes for a while. and just do my homework..." Hinata "Well... I'll see how it goes for a while and just do my homework..." Hinata "fmm, She goes this far, I must be safe!!" Hinata "fmm, She's already this far, I'm sure it's safe now!!" Hinata(smartphone message) Stop bogus Kansai dialect Hinata(smartphone message) Stop the bogus Kansai dialect Hinata "She's been home early lately. So I couldn't be "my most ideal girlfriend"!!" Hinata "She's been home early lately, so I couldn't be "my most ideal girl"!!" //unsure about this. "girlfriend" is correct if he pretends to be in a relationship.


Please let me know if this is a good way for you to use the corrections. I think placing the new line of text next to the old one makes it easy to spot the differences quickly. If you can think of a way to make it more efficient tell me, I want to make it as easy as possible for you. For any other English speakers: I tried keeping the translations as close to the original ones as possible to preserve the author's intent as much as I can. I checked the Japanese lines as well to see if there are bigger mistakes or differences in meaning, and I found that he already rephrases things a lot to make it more natural for English speaking fans - sasuga lolwi sensei. I do however rely on machine translations for this step, as my Japanese is still not very good. I'm also not actually a native English speaker, despite having lived in English speaking countries, so if anyone has corrections to make please feel free to comment as well. Thank you!


thanks for your help! I'll put texts into balloons work after the next upload. If I have the motivation!


wolkさんも迷っていらっしゃるように"my most ideal girlfriend" にするか" my most ideal girl"にするか結構迷っていたりします。 この場合は鏡の中にいる自分に恋をした的な感情を一瞬でも抱いたという前日談があったという前提で理想のカノジョ的な単語most ideal girlfriendを選択したのですが、それだったら理想の女の子に自分がなりきることでmost ideal girlの方が正しいのではなかろうかという考えも・・・・・・(無限に続く と、頭の中が混沌としていたので、とりあえず完成を急ぐためにgirl friendの方を選択しました。 しかし、今落ち着いて見てみるとgirlの方がしっくりくるので後でgirlの方を吹き出しに入れておこうと思います。


I understand a bit better now. Please never hesitate to use your own words whenever I suggest a correction that you don't like. I don't want to change the meaning by accident!