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I tried to draw every types of balloons.

In a previous survey, 53.8% people answered that horizontal writing was better in my manga.

However, at that time I was already working on Fox girl's work with a vertical design, so I plan to finish it as a vertical work.

but 7 & 8 was surprisingly good, so I'd like to try it sometime in the future if I haven't forgotten about it.

and the art without the writing, I think it's a good idea but I'll think about that later.




I thought it's about creative usage of water balloons. Like puttion one in and filling with warm water.


縦書きは日本で最も一般的な書体ですよね。しかし、コンピューターやスマホは横書きを使用しているようです。私の日本語クラスでは、読み物は横書きと縦書きの両方でした。どちらも日本語で読みやすいです。 Vertical writing is the most common written form in Japan, isn't it? But computers and smart phones seem to use horizontal writing. In my Japanese classes, the reading materials were both horizontal and vertical. It's easy to read both ways in Japanese. 英語では、横書きが最も一般的です。本の背表紙や道路標識では、縦書きはほとんど使用されません。 In English, horizontal writing is the most common. Vertical writing is rarely used, like book spines and street signs.


Alright, thanks for your understanding :) ! 大丈夫, ご理解ありがとうございます :3 !


Neck destroyer is too true man.

