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Game Trailer + Card Game Preview (2 MP4s)



そうですか!この2週間は紗霧のスパンキングシーンがメインでした。結局、彼女のために40個ほどのアニメーションを作り、必要なスパンキングの音声SFXもすべて追加しました。今週中に、依頼する予定のJP VAにファイルを送り、収録作業を開始する予定です。

Okay! So as mentioned in my prior post, my main focus these past two weeks was Sagiri's spanking scene. I ended up making about 40 animations in total for her and added the all the necessary spanking audio SFX to them already. So I will be sending the files over to the JP VA I plan to commission sometime this week to begin the recording process.

Sagiri's Spanking (Staff Room):


Sagiri's spanking will have 4 Phases in total which I'll briefly outline below:

Phase 1: OTK over skirt

Phase 2: OTK over panties

Phase 3: OTK over bare bottom

Phase 4a: Saint Choice: Diaper Spanking

Phase 4b: Tyrant Choice: Belt Spanking

フェーズ1→2とフェーズ2→3の間に、紗霧のスカートを持ち上げたり、パンティを下ろしたりする必要があります(複数回)。彼女は正しい "スパンキングの作法 "に慣れていないのでしょう。(。•̀ᴗ-)✧

In between Phase 1 -> 2 and Phase 2 -> 3. You will have to both lift Sagiri's skirt and pull her panties down (multiple times). I guess she isn't familiar with proper "spanking etiquette." (。•̀ᴗ-)✧


これはスカートを持ち上げるシーンの一つです。彼女のために作ったアニメーションの中で、スカートの重力と物理を扱うのが一番難しかったかもしれませんね。しかし、私はラッキーな投票者のために何か特別なことをしたかったのです。特に、[Day 2]の旧作フィードバック・アンケートで、スカートとパンティのスパンキングが多くリクエストされたからです。

Here is one of the skirt lifting scenes. And yes out of all of the animations I made for her, working with the skirt gravity and physics was probably the most challenging. But I wanted to do something extra for our lucky poll winner. Especially since skirt and panty spanking was requested a lot in the old game feedback survey for [Day 2].

Naked Button Toggle:



I also wanted to include a naked version for all of the camera angles in the final spanking scene. So I ended up adding a new "Naked" button toggle function which will allow you to seamlessly switch between clothed or naked mode. It will remember your choice between camera angles and while this may seem like a minor feature to some. It will actually allow me to offer more clothing variations during spanking scenes. Who knows what kind of funny outfit variations I will be able to include in the future.


Games Club (Classroom 1-2):

さて、それでは1-2教室の様子です。小町が新しいゲームを持ってきたようです。メモリーカードゲームで、制限時間内に全てのペアを揃えるというものです。しかし、もし負けたら... パンティがなくなっちゃう...。噂によると、小町は記憶力が良いらしいので、彼女の記録を破るのは難しいかもしれませんね。Twitterでゲームプレイの一部を公開しましたが、Megaフォルダにも動画のコピーを入れておきました。


イージーモード賞 新入部員2人にスパンキングをする。

ハードモード賞 :小町を漕ぐ。

Okay so for Classroom 1-2. Komachi seems to have a new game for us which most of you may already be familiar with. It's a Memory Card game where you have to match all the pairs within a certain time limit. However if you lose... You lose your panties... Rumor has it that Komachi has a really good memory so beating her record may be difficult. I posted a small sample of the gameplay on Twitter but I have also included a copy of the video in the Mega folder as well.

As the saying goes "High Risk, High Reward." With your panties on the line which game mode will you choose? I hear that Komachi is offering some spanking related prizes after all!

Easy Mode Prize: Spank the two new club members.

Hard Mode Prize: Paddle Komachi.

RPG Battle UI (Abandoned School):

また、廃校のRPGバトルメニューのUIを磨くのに少し時間がかかりました。以前のものはデフォルトの選択メニューを使用していましたが、どうせならUI制作のスキルを磨く必要があったので、カスタムメイドすることにしました(笑)。その結果、満足のいくものができたので、これが[Day 3]に掲載する最終バージョンになるかもしれません。


I also took a bit of time to polish up the RPG Battle Menu UI at the Abandoned School. The old one was using the default choice menu, but I decided to make a custom one since I needed to practice my UI making skills anyways haha. I'm happy with how it turned out so this may be the final version I include in [Day 3].

With the Sagiri spanking scene completely done, yay! I will likely focus on finishing up the Classroom 1-2 spanking scenes and then move on to working on Classroom 1-1 (the location where Kana teaches class).

Classroom 1-1:


For the VIP Supporters who filled out the optional Chalkboard [Your Message Here] Poll I did back in September. Don't worry they were not forgotten! They will all be featured in Classroom 1-1 along with another [OC] original character some of may already be familiar with (Luna). I hear that her spanking will involve a riding crop that she brought to school. Uh-oh...



Anyways, I hope you all enjoyed this little preview as well as the sneak peak teaser trailer I have been working on (still a WIP). But with the largest location, being the Main School Building now about 2/3's complete. I feel like I can finally see the finish line for the completion of Day 3 in sight, and I can't wait to share it with all of you!


Trackfield: (Story progression)

Courtyard: (1.5 spanking scenes)

Train Station: (1 spanking scene, 1 interactive)

Shrine: (1 interactive spanking scene)

Rec Center: (2 spanking scenes)

In Progress:

Main School Building: (3-5 spanking scenes planned)

Girls Dormitory: (Partial, 2 spanking scenes)

Abandoned School Building: (Partial, spanking RPG minigame + 1 or 2 spanking)

Staff Apartments: (Partial, 2 spanking scene)

Not Started:

Nothing left here. ♡\( ̄▽ ̄)/♡




ჱ̒(ᵒ̴̶̷᷄‎ ᵒ̴̶̷᷄)


Hello, Kana. I have a question. so I will send massege to you ,is that fine?


i'm glad my stupid 4 in the morning quote made it to the board.


I can bet my bottom dollar, this is gonna be best game ever in my whole life!


Will there be a uniform in this school?


I just finished watching the cartoon 《PLASTIC MEMORIES》 recently. I like the role of "Isla/ アイラ(or AIRA アイラ)" very much. Is it possible for her to appear in the game in the future? How I hope she can have a happy ending.


Oh!! I forgot about that anime! I might have to add her to my list and rewatch the anime.


All the girls are technically already wearing a school uniform. But having them all wear the same uniform is definitely doable, but one of the themes of this game is being able to see many different characters from various anime series that I change out per scene. Since some characters only appear once (like background characters in the courtyard) having to change out their uniform for each character would be very time consuming and add more development time. But this is a good suggestion I can add to future polls.


Remember to prepare paper towels. I cried a lot in the last episode.


Oh of course! While I don't remember much about the anime in general. I do remember being really sad when watching the final episode.