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  • Spanking_Machine_Quintessential_Quintuplets.mp4
  • Spanking_Machine_Misc_Girls.mp4
  • Spanking_Machine_Diaper_Position.mp4






-----------説明 / Description-------------


Kana has pretty busy lately. It seems that every day there is another girl who is sent to Kana for a spanking. While Kana doesn't mind giving them all a spanking, she is only human and can only spank so many girls in a single day. To get through the backlog of girls who need a spanking, Kana decided to build her first spanking machine. Kana then decided that her first test subjects would be the other 4 Quintuplets that were in need of a spanking.

--------アーティスト・ノート / Artist Notes-------


So this is my first time making and animating a spanking machine. This is a work I started a month ago but I put it on hold since at the time I didn't fully understand how moving static objects worked. Anyways, I hope you enjoy this one. I hope to make more devious spanking machines and devices in the future!

<3 Kana




I did wonder if you ever considered a spanking machine but I never wanted to ask because I knew it would be a large undertaking and didn't want to put pressure on you, and yet here you go once more just surprising us with this! What a devious device! And the screens to show the faces are a very nice touch, thank you for sharing your creativity! At least Kana-sensei is getting a break from wearing her hand and arm out, saves her energy for other girls who may need her attention! Or saves her energy to make more machines! <3 I'm glad you didn't give up on this and the result was great, thank you for sharing your hard work, once more it paid off tremendously~


I absolutely love spanking machines, barber chair scenes, assembly line spankings etc! I did include this in my long list of emails to you over time and I'm so glad you tackled it now. You are learning more and more about your trade and this Koikatsu program and ticking off box after box as you proceed for less than a year. It's astounding what you have learnt and honed over this time, Kana. I absolutely love the expressions on their faces and how you showed us the perspective from both ends at the same time. I also loved that someone ended up in the corner with Kana. I'll imagine she was a helper that screwed up while helping Kana administer the spankies :) A lab assistant as it were :) Another artist I support that produces RWBY material does "variants" as well. Produces a set of animations in story form then produces alternates using the same animations but with different characters in the same positions. I love that and it worked here espectiolly well.


Now you really will have me wondering what else is hiding in your tickle trunk to surprise us with, Kana. OMG thank you so much for this Saturday surprise :)


I was so happy to see them undressed during the course of their ordeal. I created something in second life for cornertime that not only kept you there, but also spanked you at regular times, washed your mouth out with soap, undressed, scolded, and even slapped those lovely boobies that we saw hanging out of the machine at the front. I gotta admit I found myself pining to see them get a little smack and wobble :) A girl can dream :) You are such a rascal, missy.


Yes, this was sort of in a limbo WIP state for a while and I wasn't sure when to come back to it. Now that I have a better understanding on how to move static objects I hope that I'll be able to make even more contraptions :) . When I found out about the screens mechanics, I was very excited since this meant that I didn't have to "bounce" the image off 3-4 different mirrors to get the same effect. So I will definitely be using more screens in the future!


There is still a lot for me to learn in this software so I hope that I can bring more non-traditional spanking methods in the future :) . The spanking machine was always on the list for a while ;) so I am really happy that I was able to finally make one. Mouth soaping is still something on the list and since I have room to make a pt.2 in some of my longer series, hopefully I make something with it in the future. And I love the assembly line idea <3 I ll need to play around with the idea in my sandbox but it would be a great way to process a lot of the girls on my to-do list. :)