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An animated short with a somber theme, based off of the bad relationship Yukino has with her mother and elder sister in the series.

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I love how each walk cycle is unique to each girl, it helps seeing their movements to test a lot of different things at once! Genius idea. :) And of course you make it interesting with the red bottoms, lol. I do really like the new settings you have now, that school background is very nice! I hope to see it again sometime!


You have a lot of great settings and venues. I imagine Koikatsu has a lot for you to choose from in the vast repository of creations. I'm not even sure how difficult it is to create your own too. I'm imagining they are on detention in this hall - each and every one of them after a good spanking - sentenced to walk back and forth for hours on end depending on the severity of their offences hehe. That one blonde's determined straight-armed walk seemed so odd at first, but Miki's right they convey their emotional depths by the mode of their walking. She must be in a hurry to get out lol As usual, great stuff Kana! Yet another tool at your disposal. I must admit I was pleased to hear you mention "longer in-depth stories". Made me squeeeee!


Thank you! Yes I was testing multiple walk patterns at once. To keep it spanking related I figured the red bottom would suffice ;) . The school background will definitely return in future works.


I've only made 1 map in the past in the old program I was using. It is very time consuming so I rely on other map settings others created for the public. And yes, after I become proficient with the walking mechanics I hope to have scenes before or after the spanking for more in depth story telling. :)


I think, it`s better to attach camera to route (not body) while walking. also this animation with wandering red-bottomed girls looks strange but funny ˙꒳​˙


Mmmmm got the anims earlier that were just the walking! Oh that talking to/scolding! Me Likey! Oh and when the camera was following that cutie pie, just wanted to reach into the screen and yoink down those white panties! Yoink! Hehehehehe


Oh that following scene has me imagining that angle......Kana beside her as the naughty girl paces along with her, left arm reaching over and grabbing her by the ear......her right arm swatting her naughty, round bum as she's ushered to the corner :)


Yeah, I wasn't a fan of the jittery shaking of the camera when attached to a body part as well. I will definitely experiment with attaching the camera to a route. Thanks for the tip! For the animation itself, it is just one of my sandbox/experimentation files I use when trying out new features before I use them in final works. So yeah, stuff will unpolished and quirky. ;P


Escorting a girl by her ear or arm to her punishment is one of the reasons I wanted to practice the walking mechanics ;) .


In so many ways, I wish I could peek through the internet into your computer to see all the things to come. We do seem to think the same way, Kana :)


I gotta say I do enjoy getting these previews, but have you considered telling us which scenes you are working on at the same time in different stages of development? I'm becoming more and more curious about the phase of development on your various ideas you are working on at any given moment.


I usually have 2-3 different projects going on at once. I alternate between them during my animation sessions one on one day, one on other, etc. This also helps keep me from getting burned out/bored of working on a particular scene for too long. Hasn't happened yet so I think it's working :) . It also gives me time to think on each scene so if I have a better idea later on, in my next animation session I can add that idea. I only like to post WIP when I am near 50-75% done with the animation. Reason being that there are cases where I scrap a scene or completely change out the characters mid-animation. So posting a WIP too early I feel like would force me to commit to something I that I changed my mind about. Recent example would be the "First day of school" animation I posted, originally I had a different spankee but I ended up swapping her out for technical reasons. So yeah that is my process in general. <3


Can't argue with the delightful conclusions with each animation thus far, Kana. It's probably a good way to keep yourself interested in each animation and to stir up the creative juices :)


If you don’t mind me asking, how do you ask someone to voice? “hi, mind crying into a mic pretending you’re being spanked?” I imagine the conversation alone would be quite entertaining.


Yeah, so when I reached out to them, I was honest and told them that I make F/F spanking animations and I attached the script for them to review. For the Yor animation in particular, here is a copy/paste of the spanking portion of the script. Although I have to say that most if not all of them were very receptive, and understanding, (likely because they all work with various types of NSFW content on the daily). 01:12 - 02:13 [Main portion of animation that requires ad-lib] Yor: (various) *yelps* *cries* *begging* *ouch*


I... am confused I see you talking about the yor animation in the comments here but I dont see it. has it been released yet?


It hasn't been released yet. Prior post explains in more detail but the short of it is that the voice actresses' I commissioned are still working on it.