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The animations were over 2700 frames long so I could not upload a preview here. Please download the animations below the reference image to watch them.

-------アニメーション1 / Animation 1---------


-------アニメーション2 / Animation 2---------


-------アニメーション3 / Animation 3---------


-------エクストライメージ / Extra Images-------

--------アーティスト・ノート / Artist Notes-------



This is just a test animation I am using to experiment with some of the new camera panning features in Koikatsu. I haven't made any actual spanking scenes with these girls. Not yet at least. ;)

And a big thank you to all of you supporting me under this tier. I will be doing a lot of testing in (Koikatsu) since it is still new to me. So I plan on uploading more test animation in the future for you all.

<3 Kana




I'm only glad to support you at this level, sweetie. Especially when you produce such beauty. I'm blown away. This chorus line of feminine beauty reminds me of a picture sequence from earlier in your era involving dancers peering into mirrors whilst balancing books (another favorite of mine, especially while performing cornertime). In fact, this is a form of cornertime just as laying on a coffee table naked with your red bum facing up amongst a group of card playing ladies that just took turns spanking you. Your models are splendid. I especially love the tall blonde and seriously wanted to see that one spanked. All of them are adorable and each of them likely deserved every swat. I now wonder what they did to deserve it. Maybe they spanked each other? I see no other ladies in waiting for the second round so perhaps that's it. Indeed, maybe they are a team of ringette players and lost a game and each took turns spanking one another. This cornertime is just a ....


....shameful tip of the iceberg. A coup de gras! I will say that #3 and #5 seem the most red. I think a few of them, especially the first, aren't nearly red enough and need some more attention. I love the gracefulness of the panning. Another wonderful mechanism for you, Kana, and I sincerely think you should use it again. I must say when you panned at the front, I was surprised a few of them weren't particularly sad. I saw no tear marks. Maybe a couple even enjoyed it. I gotta admit I almost hoped their breasts might be a smidgen pinkened too. Breast spankings can be quite embarrassing :) OMG how will I sleep now :)


I admittedly was going to upgrade to this tier anyway this month after all the lovely art you put out in your first month but man you really made it worth my while out the gate! I'm with Celly, super glad to be able to support you and give back at this tier when you pump out amazing animation after amazing animation and then pull out a showstopper like this! These new models are gorgeous and I can see your fun posing them and even creating them/customizing them (my knowledge on this software is limited so I apologize for not knowing how it works, I assume customize), and it's so cool to see all the little details in the skin and the small body type differences... you pay so much attention and devote so much love to your works! Thank you for sharing such a thing at this level, looking forward to your next test animations, I only hope we can provide valuable feedback where you need it most. It's the least we can do for you!


Thank you so much! These new models are girls from various anime series but I can't take credit for making the originals. I only enhanced some of the attributes of their body and customized some of the outfits. And yes, I will definitely be sharing more test animations and experiments the future! As always I am always looking for feedback especially on test animations before they make it into my final works. So feel free to provide feedback on camera panning speed, movement, etc since it really helps me hone my skills more. <3


Thank you so much! I can't take credit for the original models, I only slightly enhanced them a bit for this shot. They are girls based on various anime series. The tall blonde's name is "Yukana Yame" if you were curious :) .Yes, so my main focus on this test was the camera panning, each animation has a slightly slower/faster speed since I want to gauge which speed is best for scenes like this. The red butt effect on each of the girls is another test, I was testing how each stage of a red bottom looks in this software from light (left) --> dark (right). I didn't spend too much time on their facial reactions in this test but I will in the future. Future test animations will mainly be miscellaneous features I am experimenting with and practicing so your feedback is always welcome! Lastly, I assure you that that each of these girls will have their proper spanking in the future <3.


"Lastly, I assure you that that each of these girls will have their proper spanking in the future <3." Squeeeees. Especially Yukana, eh? Us Canucks try to avoid saying eh to avoid stereotypes, eh. Some of us just use them more :)


Out of the 5 I think I will do Yukana first ;) . Also because she has a lot of notable physical "assets" I can have fun animating her with the jiggle physics :p . I haven't thought up a spanking scene for her yet so after my next work I think I will focus on her.


I can imagine her out on a date with a spanker type lady. A little fondling. A pinch on the bum. A pat on the bum on the way through doors. Testing her. With maybe a lovely end to the evening over wine, naked on a bear skin rug in front of a roaring fireplace. And a long spanking :)