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--------アーティスト・ノート / Artist Notes-------


So here is volume 1 of my old abandoned works. As you can see, they have a "choppy" effect which is why I never posted them in the first place. These are some of my oldest works and back then I was experimenting a lot through trial and error. To be honest though I still experiment a lot now but practice makes perfect! :p As always I still have a long ways to go!

<3 Kana




These definitely show how much you've grown in such short time. :) Everyone has to start somewhere, and I'm glad you kept going to make it to where you are now. Maybe later you can revisit these (that pose in the fourth gif is so good, for example) or maybe leave them be just as a reminder of how far you've come. Thank you for sharing!


Thank you! Yeah, I sometimes forget how un-smooth my old works were. But it is definitely nice to look back as a comparison to today. I think that I will definitely revist the 4th GIF in the future since I haven't made a work with the nurse mother in a while. :p


Gotta agree that it shows how far you've come. I've seen the sound effect lines used a bit more in still artwork, but it does make a point. I think you've become even more creative about positioning though especially as of late :)


Thank you! Yeah, I didn't like the sound effect lines so I completely scrapped that idea after I experimented with it. At the time I thought that it may help the animation but I don't think it did.