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https://drive.google.com/file/d/1QgXbohXAwf02Fl3TPpTTue0f7AFSIlCm/view?usp=share_link パトロンの皆様、お待たせいたしました。報酬の掲載が完了しました。 私の作品のアニメーションは初めてです、制作に携わってくださった方々に感謝いたします。 アニメーターは友人のLokereshで、彼はエロ企画に初挑戦しました。彼はいい仕事をしたと思います 声優はAyana Mariaさんです。彼女はベストを尽くし、高品質の声優を提供してくれました。私が作った台本を即興で作ってくれたり、とても感謝しています😊。 そしてSFXは、エッチな音声を提供してくれたImJustThatKinkyの功績です! 全体的に、コーディネートは大変でしたが、とても楽しかったですし、今後もやってみたいと思っています。皆さんもぜひ楽しんでください。 この度、新居に引っ越しました。荷造りから始まり、悪天候の中、車で7時間かけての移動はとても疲れました。しかし、スペースが広くなり、生活環境も良くなったので、その甲斐はありました。 これから1月末まで頻繁に出張して、古い部屋を掃除して、デポジットを取り戻したいと思っています。1月は旧正月で実家に帰省する予定です。 ということで、Patreon/Fanboxの活動を再開するのは2023年2月頃になる可能性が高いです。長期間のお休みで心からお詫び申し上げますが、自分を焦らせたくないので必要なことだと感じています。 ここで応援してくださる皆さんに、心からお礼を申し上げます。新天地への引っ越しも、皆さんの応援があってこそで、言葉では言い尽くせないほどの感謝の気持ちでいっぱいです。これからも頑張っていきますので、また応援をよろしくお願いします。 それまではお元気で、お幸せに!😊。 Dear patrons, thank you all for waiting. The rewards have been posted. It's the first ever L2D of my work, I would like to thank the people who worked on it. The animator is a friend of mine, Lokeresh and this is his first attempt on a full blown h-scene project. I think he did a good job! The voice actor is Ayana Maria who is also a big fan of Shenhe. She gave her best and delivered with high quality voice-acting. She even improvised the script I made for her, which I am very grateful for. 😊 And for the SFX, the credit goes to ImJustThatKinky for providing the naughty audio! Overall, although it was challenging coordinating it, I had quite the fun and would like to do more in future. I hope you guys will enjoy it! --IRL updates -- I've just moved to my new place. It was a tiring process from packing to traveling there in a car for 7 hours in really bad weather 🌧⛈. However, it was all worth it because there's more space and also a better environment for me to live in. I'm to going to be travelling frequently from now till end of January to clean up my old place and hopefully get back my deposit. In January, I will be going back to my hometown to visit my family for Chinese New Year. With that being said, it's highly likely that I will only resume Patreon/Fanbox activities in February 2023. I sincerely apologize for the extended break but I feel like it's necessary because I don't want to rush myself. I would like to say a big thank you to everyone who supports me here. Moving to a new place was also only made possible by your support and words can't adequately express how grateful I am. I'm gonna continue to do my best and I hope to receive your support again. Till then, take care and happy holidays! 😊




For their first attempt this was really good woa :o Glad the move went well also <3


Thank you! <3 I'll be back soon. Thank you so much for always commenting and supporting me. I appreciate it <3