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Under her right elbow, is that her left hand or her left thigh on an upwards angle?


I think the angle is too much compared to her right thigh. Maybe 20 degrees or so difference between the legs would look better, so we can see the top of the left thigh slightly.


She looks okay. Maybe her butt needs to be more present. It looks like her legs are going back, but there no ass between them and her back. Her tummy looks nice, as do her arms and torso proportions.


I think so, it looks like her left thigh is at 90 degrees from her right thigh, so lowering the left thigh would look more natural. I haven't studied anatomy but I feel like her hip would be dislocated on that angle.


I pretty much agree with what’s been said already. I think the angle she is at is nice, and we don’t need to see her left thigh with the way she is positioned. The only thing I think it needs is a bit more of a curve at the top of her right thigh to show off her butt more. Even if that wouldn’t make sense, I think you could draw it in a way that would still be sexy to see


As expected, the human body is difficult... That's why I'm not a professional but an amateur. I will modify it.


How should I draw butt in that pose.... It's hard because there's no one to teach me...


I agree too... but my problem is... I don't know how draw well... I trying to modify them now.


You are diligent though, I rarely notice anything like this because you always work on correcting it and are open to critique.


I think there needs to be a little bump between the leg and the back. I guess take a picture of yourself in that pose and see what the butt looks like. It should in reality squish itself together with the leg extended back like that.