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Ok. I know I'm probably starting to tire you, but can the gap between the breasts be smaller? Because generally they look better now, but this gap is too big.


Ranken, the script for this work could look like this? 1. First you have scenes where she is unaware that the monster is raping her. 2. Then there's the scene where the monster hypnotizes her into thinking she's having sex with Sensei. And she is very happy. 3. Finally, the monster turns off the hypnosis and then she notices that she is being raped.


Then... I need to change breasts shape... I can't... change now... I asked about breasts shape on Discord... Before : 19 After : 117 After got many votes... So I decided to use the shape... T^T


sensei..? How do I fix her body on number 2 scene? My work is not a cartoon, so it would be impossible to implement such a scene.


ranken i am really looking forward to your work stay healthy and work at your own pace and do what you would like to see and what you would like to do all the stuff you have drawn i found great and i am sure no matter what dirty thoughts you put into your work they will be great thank you for your hard work


She only has to think that the monster in front of her is Sensei. You don't need to change the scene.


If I make I like... many supporters will be disappointed in me. because... I like short scene. (just add cum -> inflation -> birth -> end) and... I like unpopular characters.... So supporters don't know the characters...


If the character doesn't move, it becomes an awkward scene. But I didn't make the character move his arms and legs. Do you have Something natural idea.. with non-moving her arms, legs scene?


1. A monster hypnotizes her. 2. She thinks the monster is Sensei. 3. Everything is still in the same pose. I don't know how to write it more simply. xD


You just add a speech bubble like in the comics. The monster hypnotizes her. And she says "Sensei?" And she's very happy because she only thinks she's having sex with him.


Hm... if Wakamo watch Sensei... But she stand still without movement? It is awkward... She need to raise hand... and put her legs together in the middle. for express shy..... but... it is too hard in my work..... I can't change pose......


She is hypnotized. So she doesn't have to move. She is only to THINK that the monster is Sensei. You don't need to change the pose.


Okay Ranken, have someone translate this into Japanese or go to sleep. Because I don't know what you don't understand.


Take your time, she's looking really good. Very, very nice. I'm very excited to see what comes next.


Start with something usual, then give us a twist. I'm sure whatever scene you give us will be hot and awesome.