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hah... many supporters hate Loli characters...

So many supporters complained about "why you draw loli characters always!!!"

So... I decided... draw 2nd character too.

Hah... and... many supporters said...

"why you use Blue Archive(BA) character always???"

"why many BA characters in character vote????

I has reason...

The reason why I use BA character is that I only promote it on PIXIV.

I hope to use other site...like Twitter...

but My country be heavily censored. So I can't upload other sites myself...

Pixiv is Japan site... and... BA is most popular in Japan community

So I used BA girls.....

Anyway.... I decided draw Wakamo too.

and... I will try to make 2 works in 1 month this time.......

but reduce reduce scene frames...

(but I think.. it is impossible...)

and... I draw Wakamo first... for supporters hate loli character.

and... some supporters hate Blue Archive....(non supporters and my fans in Pixiv too)

So... I will don't add BA girls in next vote....

It is my mistake... sorry....

(then someone say... "Don't use character vote!!!!"

but.. if I don't use character vote..... then I choose Shun....

So.. we need vote...)




Wow, what a complicated situation. I'm glad your work is enjoyable regardless. Looking forward to Wakamo.


if i may offer a solution, why don't you put on twitter censored version and link to pixiv and you can create discord to put uncensored version and give your fanbox link to the discord i see a lot of people doing it lately.


and if people want bigger breasts way not give option from small(not loli) to large and if you want to draw character that is loli you can always give her little bit bigger breast or expand their breast thet way most of the pepol will get waht they want.


Ah.. "censored" is not mean... Hm... I used wrong word.... OK, "uploading twitter is dangerous" is right mean.


OK!!! Please wait!! hah... but now I'm too confuse... so I need to rest 1 day more.. maybe...