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I got pain on my left body in this month...

left teeth, left arm, left back, left stomach, left thigh, left groin......

So I often went to the hospital this month.

Food was often stuck between the molars, so I often flossed my gums, and my gums got worse,

At the dentist, the mouth is divided into four parts and is undergoing simple treatment.

I have to go to the dentist four times because of this...

Tomorrow is the last day.


Stomach pain....The physician said the pain in the stomach was caused by constipation and gas filling the stomach.

The problem is... I get diarrhea when I take medicine, and constipation if I don't take medicine.

In the end, if you want to get rid of the pain in your stomach, you have to take medicine to cause diarrhea,

If I take medicine, I have to live in the bathroom for an hour...

I often go to the bathroom, so I don't have enough time to work...

other pains.... The orthopedic surgeon said back muscle pain may be the cause.

I am taking anti-inflammatory painkillers..

Anyway... I have to go to the hospital all of a sudden...

I'm so sorry....




Me too. I understand how frustrating it feels. I hope you know how much we support you and I hope you understand how awesome we think you are. We'll pulling for you to get through this. Hoping you feel better soon.


Take the time to rest and recover, most of us will not mind the delays, it's better for your health to improve.