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Sunaookami Shiroko in Blue Archive!!

I think it will be Fanbox's last work if nothing happens.

There are a lot of people who can't use Gumroad,

I think I... I will moving to Fantia

but, Fantia can kill me... because uncensored arts....

So if I can't move in Fantia,

I think I'll be using Gumroad.

Sigh... I will make Fantia account first, prepare this and that,

and upload the notice on here again.

とりあえず、大したことがなければ Fanboxの最後の作品になりそうですね。






はあ…とりあえずFantiaアカウントを作ってみて あれこれ準備してから、


일단 이게 팬박스 마지막 작품이 될 거 같네요.

검로드를 사용하지 못한다는 분들이 많아서,

아마 Fantia로 이동을 하게 될거 같습니다만,

Fantia에서 성기 검열 문제로 저를 받아주지 않는다면,

검로드 밖에 선택지가 없다는 점을 알아주세요.

일단 일 마무리 되면 휴식을 취하면서 Fantia 계정을 만들어보겠습니다.

그 때 다시 공지를 업로드 할게요.


▼download link▼



This file is ZIP file.

Unzip the zip file first,

and please check real download link.txt in the ZIP file.



中にあるreal download link.txtを確認してください!

and... if you want to download past rewards....

Please check 21.12.28 (December 28th, 2021) ~ today posts in my Fanbox.

Posts with the name "[¥300]/[¥500]" can download rewards.








I would try out both, I know that fantia is really hard to use for people who live internationally, requiring a specific type of card to pay for items. Paypal is being pretty shitty about stuff, but there may be a way to continue to use Gumroad without fear of being banned. Discord is outside the bounds of Paypal TOS and is generally a good spot for your art, and since you've used it before I'd imagine it would be easy to transition over to it fully. A lot of artists in America and the EU use discord to actually post their art because Patreon doesn't allow lots of content. They can post on Patreon or any service that the art is finished and then only upload to discord. I'm sure there are other options too, but I think discord would be your best bet at the moment.


Discord also has an item in the regulation that prohibits my work. they're not attacking me now... But if they want... they can ban me. So I think Discord is dangerous.


i just buy the 500 plan after i saw shiroko, but it say the file isn't available ><


Yeah, but it would be a good safe spot until you find an alternative. You could always email your subscribers the link!