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Hey all,

TLDR: There will not be a new animation publishing on September first because I'm busy boy and I need to catch up in my animation work! I'll be posting a good chunk of a preview instead. I'm announcing this now so anyone who doesn't want to be charged for the month of September can make that call.

This will be the first time since I started this schedule that I'll be skipping a month, and it's because of a few things.

I've fallen a bit behind in my animation work because of my efforts to learn Blender. I've been spending up to like 9 hours some days just trying to do things in Blender, watching tutorials, etc. It's a really complicated program and I'm a slow learner lol x_x

I also have a lot of IRL life changes happening this month and next, so I'm hoping with this extra month I'm giving myself, I can build at least a little bit of a backlog so when things get REALLY busy, I'm not also panicking about delivering content.

If you decide to stay subbed, thank you♥! I really appreciate your support even when I only have crumbs to offer lol. If you are unsubbing, thank you for subbing in the first place, and I hope you'll return one day ^_^



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