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Okay so pixiv has shit the bed, hardcore. a bunch of mastercard cocksucking cucklords.

I still have all my old fanbox releases backed up and have been giving access to people. Sadly you obviously cant subscribe, and im sure as fuck not doing paypal.

Please message me by inboxing me https://www.pixiv.net/en/users/61469134

The only process I have available is by bitcoin. The process is you say hello, tell me you want the onetime access. I generate you the bitcoin address and when I see the transaction coming I generate you a mega link and you get the two years worth of work.

It is a one-time buy, well you only need to once and you can download it all. the current price is 65$ and I know that is a lot for some people but, it is two years of releases (19 fanbox virt-a-mate scenes), all the magazines and game models.

Fuck you fanbox, you wont stop me :)


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