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Hello friends! I have some news.

It may be good or bad but I am going to be as honest with you as I can.

You all have supported me and chosen me to give you certain contents, and for that I am super astonished.

To cut to the point and elaborate later, I will be shutting down plans for fanbox.

All content will be dumped into the 250 tier link folder and made available until the 19th of this month, so five days.

Nothing has happend negatively for me IRL, its just that this has gotten so successfull that if I keep going, I'm going to have to do a whole bunch of tax shit and honestly it scares me, not because of what I do just that, things are taking a turn for the too serious that I am not ready for yet. So for now, I'm cooling it off as I can support myself outside of fanbox.

I'm going to take this time to do some really important things. Mostly work on my skills, I have a new version of unity that I want to learn to use for vam 2.x once it comes out, theres the hurdle of finally getting reshade 5x to work properly and not look like dogshit, there's other types of porn I am interested in making for fun (gasp normie stuff), but also with sarah too.

So my main outlet is going to be baraag, and sadly I'll post censored stuff here on pixiv like I have been, and on rule34hentai.net.

All my media will be free until I sort things out and am ready to take this full time, right now with one scene a month I have been able to maintain output of $2-3k, so with the new skills in the future I plan to make that maybe 2 or 3x more content if its possible.

The point I will be able to come back or start thinking about it will be late febuary.

If I take this break from fanbox it will be the main worry off my mind, I know I output shit pretty slowly but that's mostly because I am super distracted with unity and extra things, this gives me time to work at my own pace and go back to this being a passion hobby, which it IS but it doesn't feel like.

So for now I am fully still available for commissions or if you really really want some of my fanbox releases as in newer ones we can discuss that.

I have crypto wallets in a few formats, btc is my main one that I find easiest, or eth but any other I can probably take a look into. I will be able to make some custom plans on here but for that I'm going to have to wait until the end of year because its a visible stream of income so yeah.

I know some of you will be angry, annoyed, or disappointed and I know, its fuckin' sucky but it has to be done in order for me to grow, figure out who I am as an animator, improve (which is the most important, so many animators or content producers refuse to do this), and stay safe for the long run.

The reason for the 19th being the final date is because on that day I will be deleting all the plans, payment from pixiv is on the 20th

So after reading all that, its important for me to say, if you do like my work after this point, please feel free to send me a message, or any content creator that has a public persona where they interract with fans. because I'll be fucking honest and yes I can say this is generally true among 99% of us, we are lonely, we are tormented by the fact the things we make we can never really show off, and it makes it more of an uphill battle just to make some shit for people to jerk off to.

It's nice to hear positive feedback, and no I don't mean flatter and praise just talk like a normal person. It's a lonely life and usually goes hand-in-hand with isolation, most of the creators I know have struggle with depression but anyway I'm ranting now.

I'm going to go relax, stretch my wings and stop worrying about things; At least for a few months.

So to re-iterate: Until I'm back properly and sort shit out for doing this as full time, I will be 100% available to do anything you need (animating, scene files, model importing for vam, photo commissions, snuggles) using crypto. Anything with a fanbox plan I can start taking payment for in the new year.

When I said I would move everything into the 250 tier folder I didn't mean it was going to become free after that point. You guys paid for it, so you get that special content, because I worked hard on that shit and scene files are a lot of work.

I love you guys and its been incredible, and I hope to keep your following indefinitely. And remember, if you need someone to talk to, Spike is here.

P.S None of this would be possible without Lyren, he was the first person to ever suggest this idea and my longest supporte, its been fucking nuts. I love you man.

Both Sarah and I will see you soon!

Please take care and have a wonderful christmas/holidays.





This is completely understandable and a wise outlook. I live by the saying "you can't pour from an empty cup" and I believe it's crucial for a creator to know when to create and when to take a break. I think it was Mark Twain who said he would break huge tasks like writing a book into bite sized pieces or he would never have accomplished anything. Just know there will always be haters but your true fans will always support you when you're doing what's best for you. There is nothing wrong with wanting to create more "normal" content either, we may come here mostly for loli content but variety is the spice of life and it's never conducive to one's creativity to feel "stuck" in one form of expression. Keep doing you my friend and allow everything to coalesce naturally. I appreciate everything you've contributed and wish you the best on your continued endeavors, no matter what they may be!


Coming from a creator who can't stop creating because creation has become like a drug, who devotes almost all his life, his free time to create and who must surely die slowly due to a silent depression, I understand you completely. We see the income increasing with time and it creates a certain kind of thrill. You want more, you want to create more, you want to see the number of fans increase, you want to read more feedback, comments, suggestions... And all this slowly destroys us. I envy you to be able to stop, to take a break. Financially, I've become dependent on it. I don't see myself being able to stop, unfortunately. I wish you the best. It's good to read honest words from a creator who is going through the same thing.


Understood. Take it easy, do what you need to do. Also, maybe you can get an accountant to help with the tax shit?


I think the best thing you can do is try to save up for a holiday and then just live off that money for even a few weeks. its pretty addictive. I'm not going to slow down I hope, the passions getting even more I just have a logic brain overruling things lol


No worries mate. Take care of yourself during your break and we'll see you next decade when 2.0 actually drops


My dude, just use H&R Block software (download version, not online version) I've used it for DECADES it's about 40 bucks and includes filing electronically for state. They can totally resolve your side work income filing. If there's any problems with a return, THEY'LL HELP YOU with the issue. I've NEVER had any issues with it. Good luck


What’s the password cause some stuff won’t open with the password that provide


its always spike4379 The only exception to that is reshade stuff which is secretsauce


"uphill battle just to make some shit for people to jerk off to" Why do I feel so personally attacked. Take care of yourself!


Sad you're taking a break, but I hope enjoy it either way =D.


Looks like mega took it down before 19th lol. Any chance of uploading elsewhere?


The kemono links are dead because i swapped them. just keeping them available for the loyal people here :) check the 250 link post


Good luck to you my friend, hope to see you back again soon.


Dang couldn’t make it before links went down. Thanks for everything. Good luck on your well deserved downtime.