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Well fuck.

So I don't actually know what the fuck this means for me, because A: I am a nobody, and B: Pretty small.

I think it may mean the end of the monthly magazines OR just releasing them onto the mega with highly edited front covers.

Fanbox releases will be unphased (That's where most of you and my revenue comes from), I can just link to animations or again put them on the mega with their appropriate name. So fanbox 19 I added into the animations folder so you could preview the scene you were downloading.

I will do my best to keep myself flexible around this, I still don't really understand but I think its because of all the influx of AI artworks that look pretty real, and given that loli 3d is legal in japan I don't see it affecting me (Maybe).

I don't exactly want to email pixiv support and say "HEY DOES MY CONTENT NEED TO BE BANNED NOW?" and have them go thermonuclear on my ass.

Anyway, Vielen dank,

Stay with me.

[Feel free to message me if you have a better understanding]



cien,fanza,dlsite and dmm are sites artist are moving to or putting their works ;w;


Move to another site, SubscribeStar, Cien or Fanza. Fanbox does not deserve our money after caving to credit card companies. Sure, they still allow it on main site for now, but how long? I am phasing out Fanbox from my used sites, controlling art monetization is not something I can tolerate.


Many on Twitter are suggesting that only irl content affected by this, but its safe to assume that is nonsense. As that conflicts with the idea of Pixiv still allowing this content on Pixiv main site in censored form (for now). L*li, Inc*st, R*pe, Besti will all be affected by monetization blocks, fiction or real does not matter to them. Who will decide that anyway, in an age where it's getting close to that in some cases.


Hope you make it through this disaster and let me know what other sites you're going to.


Everyone is just as confused as you are here. Take some deep breaths, we have to wait and see how things will be enforced and what the new TOS says!


Lets wait and see.


Im pretty new to FanBox, but if loli art in any expression becomes banned, i will follow you guys wherever you go, just name it.


Imagine still using twitter though after Fuhrer Musk's takeover.


Imagine thinking Musk is any worse than what was before.


I agree with all of you. I think it should be okay for the way I post things here with the mega links because thats behind a paywall and off site too. I think fanbox is okay as far as the cut it takes, I think 10%? I don't think anywhere has a userbase as big with as low cut taking so. lets see if pixiv are going to kneecap themselves before I do anything like douse myself in gasoline lol