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Tomomi couldn't sleep, so she came to Daddy. She decided to spend some time with her dad watching TV. Tomomi decided to touch her daddy's dick. =================== いつもお世話になっております。 体調不良にて満足な編集ができておらず、少なめの画像ですが投稿をさせていただきますのでご了承ください。 お楽しみください。 体調が戻れば次回は1/18に掲載する予定です。




She is s-o-o-o-o sweet! I love the 'little girl' top and knickers......she is truly fuckable! Thanks for great start...


Of course Tomomi insisted on putting on Frozen while she was awake. Dad sure didn't last long


Your renders are really good. I do hate the theme of incest.


Thanks for the compliments on the rendering. I spend the most time on the renders: background, clothes, colors, light, etc. I agree that I don't like incest, but I have taken pains to take into account Tomomi's age points when choosing people and themes. Please understand.


Thank you for your comment. I will make sure that tomomi's father does his job to everyone's satisfaction.


Doctor and school teacher, ballet teacher...all of these a fine. I wonder why so many on Pixiv and Fanbox find the idea of incest erotic.


Everyone has different tastes, I really like incest. After all, what difference does it make who is fucking a little girl. Thank you for your work.