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I was able to manage my time to do Full-time development for the next few months, from September 5th. I'm not sure how long it will be, but in the meantime I want to slightly change the Update schedule.

Instead of posting Updated project once in a month, I want to update the post itself whenever project gets the new feature. when enough amount of new feature has added, this "Update" post will be seperated into "Journal" post and "Release" post.

Don't need to worry about anything, nothing changes in a big part. Just simply You'll get the news more frequently.

If you simply want to check the progress just checking the post will be just enough. It will also contains the game file, but It would be better to check it out when it's seperated into another release post.



Awesome! I can't wait to see more content <3


Please pay attention to body/rest/nutrient intake