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-This Journal is about grass Animation in Pipeline:map_6

[Journal for map_6] : https://applepopsicle.fanbox.cc/posts/5332838

Near save point there's a few grass grown nearby. I wanted to make it move reactively with the player movement, and sway little bit as if wind continuously touching it.

To accomplish the sway movement, few tweaks on texture display method will be desirable, instead of just simply tilting it.

We already have ingredient developed when doing work on the Monster:Stretcher. If there's different point, in this time, we control the texture by giving it an angle to each segments.

Sway movement can be implemented by using the same method that we used to make Stretcher 'bounce'. But just one thing, the rapid change as if its being hit by something, is not desirable on grass animation.

By putting one more 'relay', Angle can be changed smoothly, following the original guide.

After separating all the grass texture individually, We can have the desired result.



