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- Main points are emphasized in bold -

I'm keeping the list of some 10$ supports in the past, and updating the list at certain points(such as when version changes), so they can spend less money afterwards.

Latest list updating point was when the version changed to Beta from Alpha.

By updating to, almost every contents from Alpha version has been removed, changed, and improved. and I think it is a good point to update the list.

I've sent a message to every 10$ supporters at the moment. So if you didn't get any message from me even though you pledged 10$ in the past, please let me know (including the one who already listed on the list at the last time).

I used $10 supporter list provided by FANBOX. So if there's someone once pledged 10$ in the past and then stopped(or downgraded) to pledge, It is hard to recognize. So if there's someone in that kind of situation, please let me know so I can list up the name.



2 questions 1.if i pledge now would i get added to the list 2. what do you mean by pay less are some of the content gated by money? so i don’t get full access to the game?


1. the ones who gets up on the list are the supporters before the release, July 1st. So even if you pledge $10 plan from now, you can't get on the list immediately. Although it doesn't mean the list will never be updated any longer, so you can try for the next chance. 2. As you can see, $10 plan's reward is to "get the game for free when is completed". Pay less means when the supporter once get on the list, they don't have to maintain $10 plan any longer.


Hello! I was pledging 1000 JPY during late 2021/early 2022.


I sponsored from March to August 2021. Am I eligible?


Sorry dunno if you sent a message or not, what was the subject or message that you sent?


I applied for the 1000 yen plan from April to August 21, 2021.


I've sent you a message in February 9th 2021 in English, and in July 1st 2022 in Japanese. Please check Pixiv message box if you don't mind