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This journal is about finishing Stinger-N2 HScene.

I seperated the result animations on the another post (it's for 5$ supporters!). link attatched below.


Normally there must be 2nd part of Linework journey, but by mistake, I erased the linework history data. still, there's face expression experiment data remaining.

All of them are failed(?) designs.

Back to Init animation, someone pointed out that the few frames of leg movement looks weird. Thanks for the report I was able to fix the faulty.

He also picked that if I was intended to carry the jumping feeling, and that was exactly what I was thinking at the moment. maybe That's why I didn't notice when things are going wrong.

At the last journal, there was a 'cut' between Init and Loop transition.

I've once linked them smoothly using only what I had. but as I forgot how to do it, I just made the linking animation.

Now It's smooth as it should be.

Stinger part was the only thing left to do to finish the Animation.

If you bring the same design from Stinger-N1 animation, stinger must cover the whole chest part. I didn't want to hide it, so I just opended it up.

With the addition of 'white liquid' texture, Animation could be finally finished.

For finished animation, please visit the another post dedicated for those.

Here I put the same link as above for the convinence.





These animations look amazing! I want to breed her in game heh


emmm,Can I use Alipay? I don't have a card.


emmm,Can I use Alipay? I don't have a card.


Well, managing payment method has nothing to do with me, It's on FANBOX team. If there's no Alipay option on FANBOX, There's nothing I can do for you :')