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【Cheat Code : verone】 ● Dev Note ● In this month, there was some progress on both map-design and hscene-Animation. New map has been successfully updated, even though it's not completed 100% , but hScene Animation couldn't be included as AI for new monster is not ready yet. I also couldn't decide the monster's name yet. gonna needs some sketcy name for it :D ===========================[ Patch Note ]=========================== [Requirement & TroubleShoot] https://applepopsicle.fanbox.cc/posts/2061211 =============================================== || : Use of any features in 'option' is not recommended. || =============================================== 【Update list】 ┬ New Map └ Pipeline : 3rd Map added. 【Bug Fix】 - Collision algorithm has been updated due to the addition of new hitbox patterns - Fixed an issue where HealingBud and Crystal were rendered above the player - Fixed an issue where jumping was possible while playing HScene - Fixed an issue where Gen was dropped at inaccessible places - Fixed the knockback behaviour applied to player - Fix to display exit shortcut key in Testzone - Fixed AI on flying monster ==========================[ パッチノート ]========================== [システム要件 & トラブルシュート] https://applepopsicle.fanbox.cc/posts/2061215 ==================================== || オプション機能の利用は推奨されておりません。 || ==================================== 【アップデートリスト】 ┬ Map追加 └ Pipeline:3番目のマップを追加 【バグフィックス】 - 新しいヒットボックスパターンの追加による衝突アルゴリズムアップデート - Healing Bud、Crystalがプレイヤーより上にレンダリングされる現象を修正 - Testzone退場ショートカットキーを表示するように修正 - Genがアクセスできない場所にドロップする現象を修正 - プレイヤーに対するノックバック適用方式の修正 - HSceneプレイ中にジャンプが可能な現象を修正 - 飛行モンスターのAI修正



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