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Hi dears I just wanted to give you a quick update on my week. Unfortunately I've been suffering from a bad case of the flu, and I do mean bad! like 38 to 40 degrees day and night, I haven't been able to sleep or eat, which has kept me in bed since Monday 18! ๐Ÿ˜ท It hasn't been the best, but I'm trying to recover as best I can. So I'm here to apologise to you for the lack of content this month, but even if I'm doing my best, I have to face reality - I'm human, guys ahaha, and I've pushed my body too far this year. But Christmas is coming, and I want to thank you all for your love and support with a little gift, for all my supporters, the full first chapter of Sphere Hunters, my first original manga! In the meantime, I'm taking it easy, taking my medicine and pampering myself with warm teas and soft blankets. I would like to thank you all for your understanding and support during this time. I can't wait to get back to full health and share new content and projects with you. In the meantime, continue to take care of yourself and remember the importance of listening to your body. Thanks again for always being there for me! Sending you a virtual hug. ๐Ÿค—๐Ÿ’– !ATTENTION! to see the illustrations, extract the fIle using WINZIP or WINRAR extractor ^_^ Password: Jo



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