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Anais was the daughter of a wealthy businessman, who spoiled her. At the Leda Women's Prison, she will learn that she can't always have her way. (I changed my mind about this picture before I finished it. Originally it was going to be Anais in her cell, kneeling in front of a visitor, but it's going to be part of a lineup scene instead.) (Also, a preview of a different image. These two prisoners were in a relationship before being sent to the Leda Women's Prison. They are occasionally allowed conjugal visits to one another's cells, but only under strict supervision).




This kind of submissive posture is so good! Thank you for your work!


Seems like she's at the urinals

Cobbly (edited)

Comment edits

2021-07-10 02:23:49 I love May <3 She's my #2 pokegirl (#1 would be Jessie)
2023-05-16 03:22:52 ... what? They have a gym? For women or men?

... what? They have a gym? For women or men?