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The Leda Women's Prison was once a prestigious women's college. The great tree in its courtyard was always richly decorated during the holiday season. Even though the college is now a prison, this longstanding tradition remains.




I vaugley recall that brunette on the left from somewhere. Anyway, this looks interesting. How do they get up there? When do they let them down?


Beautiful work!


Yeah, that's Callie (she used to be an aspiring athlete, she's been through a lot). I'm thinking they use some kind of pulley to get up there, and they let them down after a day to replace them with different prisoners.


Oh, Callie has always been my favorite. Good to see she's doing well. 24 hours is a rough shift though. No bathroom breaks? Meals?


Maybe they're just there until the late evening. Originally I was going to have them in suspension bondage, so they got off lightly. (It would have been the same poses basically, but just suspended with chains)