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Hi all!

I am glad to see you among my fans and followers. Today I will answer a few questions that you ask me most often.

Can you draw?

My friends, I can't draw at all! I absolutely cannot. Is that the "fig" with a pencil. Haha.

And I don't consider myself an artist. Rather, I'm a animator. 3D animator.

And I don't consider myself an artist. Rather, I'm a animator. Animator. I'm always a little jealous of people who can draw. With a pencil, paints. Perhaps their work does not look so realistic. But there is a lot of human warmth in their works. I really like the work of daufin64.

It saddens me that his bright and expressive works are getting so few thanks. Be sure to visit his page. He is a real artist. He is not a animator. I really hope that someday he will create his own fanbox. And you will definitely support him!


UPD I learned to draw pictures by numbers. It is a pity that there are no pictures by numbers on the theme of shotacon

Whose work do you like?

My own. Haha.

And also the work of Just Radiation and Melancholic. They have their own unique style.

Why are there no seats (NO VACANCY) in the golden room?

I wonder if anyone reads this? For 4 months now I have been posting the same thing that there are no vacancies in the current month. That the "golden room" is fully loaded for 2-3 months. And they still pay. Then they get offended because the terms increase. Sometimes up to 1-2 months.

My friends, I am not a render factory. My options are limited. I work alone. Of course, I will fulfill your order, but you will have to wait longer :(

Why do you make so few videos? Videos are better than renders!

My friends, video production is a complicated and tedious process. Creation of animation, use of ready-made animation, lighting, cameras, synchronization, etc. Editing video and audio also takes a lot of time. That's why I don't specialize exclusively in video. This is more of a nice bonus for my fans than the main direction.

When will the DELIVERYBOY be back?

Yes, I know that my deliveryboy is my calling card. I did 8 episodes and a bonus track at the gym. I know that you missed him. He'll be back, I promise. Now he is on vacation. He is at sea. He sends you his photo. In the fall, he will tell how he spent his vacation.

From deliveryboy with love:

embed: files.catbox.moe




You are very special. We love you so much because you create our best fantasies. In every way you are a top artist.We love your creations.


Your work is fantastic i am very pleased you will always have my support love everything you do


Hi I send you a message


Is there a waiting list for the golden room or will the quickest to react get the next free place?


Right now there is no waiting list. Places in the golden room, unfortunately, are occupied for 2 months in advance. Fans order big series. I would temporarily close the room. But it will remove them from the fans.


Your work is awesome! Don’t ever feel bad that you don’t consider yourself a true artist. Art comes in many forms, and you are a master at yours. Thanks for this Q&A session, and keep up the great work.


Why are the images pixelated?