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(Commissioned by TkLm Fan.) "Proceeding a hot & saucy 'initiation', the newly improved chapter openly displays her glamorous pride. The rest of the Sabres all marvel at said unabashed presentation of Illana's bold new adherence to the clique. Each with varied opinionings yet all expediting the same shared glee. The hot Captain at the fore gazed upon her work of art with audation. Seeing her new big bosom buddy taking to her fiery self only swelled her sense of self-glorification. Monica ululated as she saw how well they're gorgeous addition, practically feeling such beauty would bring tantalizingly huge things their way in the near future. Amber merely stood there lost in a semi-lucid haze, finding herself unable to stop fondling ample valleys as she ogles the captivating fellow blonde had become. Tiffany simply found herself overwhelmed by the odd yet definitively fitting individual joining they're ranks. Finding herself practically moved to tears by what she considered too gorgeous for words, therefore, not wanting to spoil it with pointless dialog. As if to break the silence however, Mysner points out to her thrall she must partake of two more undertakings to make the team. Illana brandishes a confident smile at her challenge, much to latter's joyous acknowledgement."




Yes, I love this series; glad to see it continue