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お題箱にいただいた、「バスケ部にシューズの臭いでいじめられる」です。 pixivの規約が来月更新されるみたいで、今現在投稿した私の作品の場合、 ・児童ポルノまたは児童虐待 ・レイプ (同意の無い性的行為) が引っかかる可能性があります。 様々な情報があり、どのようになってしまうかわかりませんが 11月下旬にpixivより情報が出るようなので、それまで待ちたいと思います。 とりあえず非公開にされてしまう前に早めの画像の保存をお願いします。 それから、過去の投稿にこれの英訳はないか?とコメントいただきました。 全く考えていませんでしたが、せっかく支援していただいていますので対応したいと思います。 ただ、時間が空いた時に作業しますので、すぐには投稿できないことはご了承ください。 I received this from the subject box: "The basketball team bullies me because of the smell of my shoes. It seems that pixiv's terms and conditions will be updated next month, and in the case of my work posted as of now Child pornography or child abuse Rape (sexual conduct without consent) may be caught. There is a lot of information available, and we do not know how it will turn out, but I will wait until late November when pixiv is expected to release information. In the meantime, please save the images as soon as possible before they are made private. Also, do you have an English translation of this for a past post? I received a comment saying. I had not thought of that at all, but now that you are supporting us, we would like to respond. Please note, however, that we will work on this when we have time, so we will not be able to post immediately. ※This text was translated using a translation application.   I've tried to get the message across as best I can. We hope that your reading comprehension will somehow cover this. If you use any other offensive expressions, I would be glad to note them immediately. 



b 27

Excellent work! Being forced to deodorize those well-worn training shoes - really hot! 😍😍 I hope Pixiv is not aggressive about enforcing its policy and I can continue to support you on Fanbox. But if not, please keep us updated 💖