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The story was longer than I expected, so I'll just summarize the main points for now.

・Requests will be accepted on pixiv and Fantia.

・There are two plans: 10,000 yen and 5,000 yen (with discounts for supporters).

・There are two plans: a private plan and a public plan on the support site.

・I reserve the right to refuse requests based on physical condition or workload, regardless of the content of the request.

・Elimination of my rule that all secondary productions are open to the public as a whole.

First of all, we will resume accepting requests on pixiv and Fantia.

Since SKEB does not allow me to choose to make it public or private, I have decided not to do so at this time.

Also, I have been basically keeping the works that we have received paid requests for private.

This is because, if I were to make a request, I would not want it to be shared with others.

I will continue to take requests in that format.

However, I have received several messages that they would like to see that work, and I have heard that there was a bit of an incident with it.

Sure, I understand the feeling of "I want to see that work! and it is not my intention to cause trouble because of my selfishness.

As for the price, it takes four days at the earliest to paint one picture, assuming roughly three hours per day.

I calculated the hourly wage at 850 yen per hour, which is about the minimum wage, for approximately 12 hours.

850 x 12 = 10200... 

Well, subtract 200 yen down to 10,000 yen!

Isn't 10,000 yen for one illustration expensive?

I would like to offer a plan with a lower price...

I do not want to be unable to update FANBOX and Fantia due to overlapping requests, even in the unlikely event...

Based on the above, I have two plans for the request.

Plan that can be seen only by the client or those who carpool with us (10,000 yen)

9,000 yen for those who have already supported us

The plan that the illustration will be published on the support site (5,000 yen)

4,000 yen for those who have already supported us.

It seems that Fantia does not allow carpooling, so I am thinking of selling it with a thumbnail of ? and the description of the request in the description.

The price will be the same as the commissioned price.

I never want to lose money for our supporters, so we offer a I will give a discount to those who support us.

Apparently, we can tell at the time of request if you are a supporter or not, so if you are a FANBOX supporter, please make a request on "pixiv".

Fantia separates request plans.

I believe that there will be requests for secondary works in the "plan to be made public on the support site" request.

Accordingly, I will abolish the rule that "secondary works will be made public in their entirety.

There are several reasons for this rule.

・It is not good PR for the original work.

・I think that some people may not want to see illustrations of characters they are attached.

・I am afraid that my illustrations will lose their value if derivative works are banned.

These are.

This feeling has not changed, but in the interest of setting up a public plan, I will try to do away with this rule once for now.

I will change it each time there is a problem.

Last but not least, I am not able to paint all the requested works.

Please refer to the previous drawings for requests that I can accommodate.

I will do our best, but I may cancel a request regardless of its content, taking into consideration the amount of work and your physical condition.

Please understand that we will not be able to exceed your capabilities even if you have excessive expectations.

The number of illustrations that can be delivered is one or two (not including differences), regardless of the amount.

If you are in good health and have time to spare, you may be able to add extras, But basically, please assume that it is not included.

I will also follow the guidelines of publishers and others regarding secondary works.

I may possibly decline to accept characters with whom I am not familiar or for whom I have too strong an attachment.

As before, male characters cannot be specified.

I will also decline requests that I feel I am unable to express the appeal of the requested content.

I would like to draw carefully, so it may take some time to deliver the work.

I am more selfish than before, but I will do my best to meet your requests as much as possible.

※I am not sure if I will be able to accept your request, so we do not recommend that you support us for a discount.

Please only consider this if you are willing to do so.

※If the time required for one illustration increases, the price will change.

 I will let you know if that happens.

※This text was translated using a translation application.


I've tried to get the message across as best I can.

We hope that your reading comprehension will somehow cover this.

If you use any other offensive expressions, I would be glad to note them immediately. 


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