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I have adopted the dark blue socks overlay as a character design proposal in the subject box.

I was looking for a cute gal to use as a reference, but the skirt of the cute gal was higher than the position of the skirt I was drawing, so I changed it.

Makeup and other details may vary depending on the ease of drawing and the strength of the paint when it is applied, but this is the decision.

The other gals also changed their clothes and hair color slightly to differentiate themselves.

The daughter on the left is also planning to wear them in layers.

I think it will still get better if I stick to it, but the more I aim for perfection, the less I will be able to start painting, so I would like to aim to complete the work itself first.

Then there's something else I didn't want to mention too much.

Recently, I have been suffering from "dizziness" caused by eyestrain, which has prevented me from taking time to paint consistently.

I had hoped to post as much as possible, but I will remain fixed at one post per week until my symptoms are gone.

If it gets too bad, I may have to take a break from posting.

I am very sorry for your inconvenience, but we appreciate your understanding.

※This text was translated using a translation application.


I've tried to get the message across as best I can.

We hope that your reading comprehension will somehow cover this.

If you use any other offensive expressions, I would be glad to note them immediately. 



b 27

They look great! The layered socks are sure to be stuffy~ But don't work yourself too hard - take care of your health!