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"Hello everyone! Some of you asked me what I do to relax on Halloween so today I'll just show you rather than telling! To deal with all the prank calls that the police has to deal with on every Halloween, what I do is to trap the soul of a little prankster inside a Jack O Lantern and... well, you'll see!" Chun Li putted down her pants and pulled out her cock, a look of fear seemed to struck the Jack O Lanter, whoever soul was trapped inside, it clearly never saw a cock that big before "Ooooh, look at that everyone! By the looks of it we got a pretty young one in here! How old do you think she is? Well, it doesn't matter, today you're just my little onahole!" Chun Li touched the tip of her cock at the pumpkin's "lips", the donations were already on the thousands and she didn't even begin yet "What will happen to her soul? Oh don't worry, after I'm done she'll just fly back to her body" The pumpkin tried to resist, but Chun Li just kept pushing her hips forward until she went balls deep inside the pumpkin, the eyes seemed to cry a bit and it looked like it wanted to say something, but its mouth was too busy dealing with a hard throbbing cock Chun Li grabbed the lantern with both hands and started pumpin, she was fucking the pumpkin so hard that it was impressive it didn't break at the first thrust "Oh! This little mouth is even tighter than usual!" The eyes of the lantern were rolling, Chun Li was not holding back in the slightest, the chat was filled with donations of people both confused and horny The show kept going for over 10 minutes when it finally seemed like Chun Li was getting close to her limit "Ah! You all know what's coming! A cream filled pumpkin coming right up!" The table the pumpkin was resting on began shaking, the facefuck was hard and ruthless, there was no space for mercy there, she was fucking the living hell out of that lantern "Trick or Treats, BITCH!" Chun Li screamed The flood of white thick semen exploded inside the pumpkin, it seemed like tears, but it was just her cum leaking through the eyeholes She continued to pump her with her seed, overflowing the pumpkin and cumming so hard that it seemed to increase in size to contain all the volume Eventually Chun Li was finally over and pulled out her cock of the apparently exhausted pumpkin, who spilled out all the cum through her mouth "Well, the show's over, I hope that answers your question! And if you're thinking about giving prank calls to the police, just remember that next time this may be you! Good night everyone, and Happy Halloween!"



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