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Earning her new freedom as well as that sweet urban currency, Mavis offers her vampiric beast handling services to the local pet owners in the neighborhood. Easy to warm up to and genuinely in love with the more domesticated and normal human pets, Mavis enters the home of her first customers, ready to give a good "walk" to their loving fluffy pooch. "Aww that's it sweetie, look into my eyes and submit to Mavis" she gently coo'd with her glowin eyes, lulling the wagging bitch to her hips, leading her snout to Mavis's bulge, making the vamp teen glare a fangy smile as she declared "Mmm hungry for your treat?" They never even left the apartment room, the flailing doggy bounced and received it's hard exercise up it's tight bitch ass; the strong throbbing futa vamp cock stretching it's begging insides, making the doggy howl and whine as Mavis smiled and eagerly stated "we got another hour sweetie!!!"
