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God I love seeing Scarlett get railed by the shota, great animation. Hope to see her getting more !!!


Just pure art.


You need to create an archive of your older works. Resilio Sync, Mediafire, MEGA seem to work for others that do similar work as you. You probably uploaded previews onto the main site with little blur/censors, not enough though, which is probably why you got those warnings. Others DON`T have that problem. C`mon, dude. You do great work, and I`ve never seen your earlier fanbox exclusive stuff I read about, in the comments. It would be great though. Sorry about my previous comment... I`m ashamed...usually I don`t get so easily worked up emotionally, like that. I bury my emotions. You rule, dude/dudette!


Amazing as always. I love that the both have sound work done. And Scarlet needs more shota love. Keep it up!


HELL YESS, definitely need more Scarlet shota. She is soo underrated


I have to agree with First Born, you should probably figure out what it is that's upsetting the admins here and work around that so you can just link directly to the uncensored animations. I am not going to rule34hentai just to download anything as the place is a cesspool of virus-riddled ads (and that's WITH ad-block), and I'm not alone in having that opinion either. You do great work, Bleur, but you'd make life a lot easier for your fans if we could just get the uncensored stuff directly from here. Otherwise why bother?


I have Bit Defender and it actually prevents rule34hentai from even working. I've never had that happen before anywhere else so I can only assume the site itself has very malware-like behavior.