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毎度ありがとうございます、フォリアです。 今回は少し別の話をしようと思います。 これからの方向性にも関係がある話で、皆さんの考えも聞きたくてこのようなポストを作成しました。 できるだけ多くの意見を聞くため全体公開にしました。 まず、今年の9月に活動1年を越え、数日前にはツイッターとピクシブで10万フォロ...





















Below is an answer to the opinion written in English.

Question : In what ways do you think we can reduce the damage from these illegal sharing sites?

Q : Protected RaR files with a password along with a password to download. Other than that there is no other way to prevent this from happening unfortunately.

Q : use Dropbox or something where you need a password and it’s only able to accessed for so long maybe that will help?

Q : Create a website with limited time link usage ( a day within publishing)

A : I think they are good way. But, I don't think I'll use measures such as shortening the period of use of passwords and links because even those who support me have to bear the inconvenience. 😭

Q : I wanted to select both options. The monthly message seems to work for some of the artists I follow, but content eventually gets leaked when creators get really big.

Q : I believe even with a 1 week limit availability, the illegal activities will still keep up. Maybe you can try it out for a few months and see if the damage is lessen or same, then decide what to do after.

Q : Limiting the availablity of the link is a good idea but then you run into the issue of people forgeting to access the contents. Some sort of backup for that might be necessary

A : I agree. However, I will continue to consider ways to stop their illegal activities without bothering those who have supported me. 😤

Q : I d say to use gumroad and provode a limited link for your patrons

Q : Maybe try to implant unique invisible watermarks in the sharing contents for each one subscribed and suspend the account who have spread them.

A : It physically impossible to crack down on each and every one of them separately. I currently using "some means" to prevent them from downloading content, and I have recently had some success. I have no intention of disclosing what this means, and no applicants will be harmed by this method. 😤

Question : What do you think about me focusing on drawing original characters?

Q : Would love to see original characters, but also would be sad if you stopped Azur Lane fanart altogether.

Q : I like when artist's do art with their OCs occasionally, however I think it is best when limited to one artwork of OCs per month at the most, unless patrons/supporters vote for otherwise.

A : The three monthly characters will be decided through voting, as now, and the fourth will be an original character.😌

Question : Following on from the question above, if I draw enough original characters, I'll probably make a game, what do you think?

Q : If the Story/Gameplay (depends on the Genre) can compete with the quality with your artwork, then i would support it

A : Oh....... I'll try my best. 😅

Q : Make a game is too complex, because you need to learn gaming develop. RPG maker or Unity. that's spend much time. But, if you insist do it. I will support you.

A : I am currently preparing to learn a game creation program like Unity, and a DAW program like FL studio as a hobby. And Currently, I can handle L2D and Sprite animation to some extent. I'll organize the details at the bottom. 🥺

Question : If you have anything you want to say, please write it down.

Q : Please create a discord server, i am willing to help create one

A : There's something I've been preparing lately, and Discord seems to be what I need when I move forward with this in earnest. I'll talk about it in more detail below. 😅























English ver.

From now on

1. the amount of diffs will decrease. I'm aiming for 6-8 diffs.

=I've decided I need in order to be able to draw 4 illustrations per month, and once I'm able to draw 4 illustrations, I'll either increase the amount of diffs or aim for 5 illustrations per month.

2. From next January, 3 characters will be chosen each month through voting, and if I can afford to draw a 4th, it will be an original character.

=This is a kind of motivation to me. and also for grow up the original IP.

3. There is a possibility that the rewards may contain some "weird" sometimes.

=I'm planning to release some of my plans and achievements as part of my studies and preparations to make the game.

I think it will take me at least 3 years to finish the make a game.

So even if I release something "weird" with in reward, it will probably be after a year.

4. First, "Aim for 1000 supporters!"

=I believe that game development can be done after this goal is reached.

(Recently, it's been around 400.)

Prepared content

I planning to create content for the main customers when the number of supporters increases to nearly 800, but the main content is to grow the community.

1. OC Concept Vote (content name undecided)

=The concept of the fourth character I talked about above will be decided by your vote.

It's simple content. But there has next.

2. Challenge (tentative name)

= Before the end of the month, those who want to take up the challenge will draw a picture according to the concept decided by the vote, and vote on which original character they prefer along with the picture I drew.

The character chosen by the vote will then be decided as the official original character.

If the challenger wins, maybe something good will come of it...?

There are other things I'm thinking about, but since Fanbox and Patreon have different circumstances (Fanbox doesn't allow individual contact, Patreon doesn't allow file uploads, etc.) and this is all I can do.

So, for the time being, I'm trying to focus on what I can do now.

I'll post an announcement when I come up with other ideas for content that i can create.




Thanks for the update. Questions, as long as I don't share the pictures on the internet am I safe? I save it on my phone to view it. Thank you