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Hi everyone. Would like to wish you a happy new year,lets hope 2021 will be better than the shitty year behind us. Also would like to thank you for all the support you give me.

If everything goes well,i'll get a new rig this year,which will greatly help me to make stuffs faster,also i'll be able to focus on animations more.

A few things have to change, i would like to interact with you guys more often,via polls (just for an example),and you can decide what/about whom i'll make an animation.

Anyway,if you have any advice,or any feedback,feel free to tell me!

Stay safe! o/



That's great news! Happy new year and stay safe too Aneesha :)


Thanks for all your fantastic works, your art is truly amazing!! I'm sure 2021 would be even better with you! :)


Happy New Year and take care a lot!


Please make more uncut pps that are pulled back with smegma cleaning