Shining (Pixiv Fanbox)
2022-05-20 11:07:25
It's been so long since I last drew Arknights though it hasn't really stopped me from playing Arknights all this time. Personally, I still think Arknights have been a franchise that's been rather quite generous with the rate ups and the number of free rolls you get in comparison to other games out there with abysmal rate ups borderline lies.
The theme for this piece was to come up with an original alternative outfit for Shining but I also sat down and thought about what we already know about Shining as an operator who is still pretty much shrouded in mystery as far as the lore of Arknight goes.
For the most part, she seems like a quiet person who keeps to herself and though she's seen with a huge sword, she never seems to use it on the field. Recently, we came to learn that she has the power to split the sky when she draws her sword, or at least that's pretty much what we're led to believe. That's part of where I got the inspiration to draw the background and even split between night and day when Shining draws her sword and shines in a different sense as it draws over to the night version of Shining.
In a lot of ways, it felt like Shining was keeping her powers in check as though in a bondage of sorts so I got the inspiration to draw her in tight-fitting clothes and bondage-like gear.
Shining felt like a character who has a forbidden past as though she's chained up by the past hence why I thought to draw the chains and the other stuff you see in the last version.