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I often wondered what Eula would look like if she was a modern-day city girl so I took the concept and spun it as Eula the city girl who wears ripped jeans on her morning walks. Or maybe it was just a normal pair of jeans but it just wasn't enough to contain Eula's burst. And here is the hotpants version I worked on after the stream. Let's just say her burst really did the trick and turned her jeans into tight-fitting hot pants. Personally, I think hot pants just looks great on any character in Genshin. Maybe I'll have to try it with some of the other girls I haven't drawn before if I get the time to draw them. Last but not least is the topless version. There's still a few I haven't drawn before but if you could choose, who would you like to see next and wearing what? Quite curious to hear your thoughts. ^^




Been studying your art since i signed up and I like your coloring technique.