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I write you yet another update for September. Before I begin, I want to extend a big welcome and a hello to anyone new here - ^^ With introductions out of the way, let's begin! xD It feels good to be able to have the privilege to create these Gumroad rewards and get the opportunity to write to you guys once a month. They've been getting bigger and bigger since I first started too ^^;; I was cutting it real close this month with the rewards being sent out due to just how much I wanted to cram in the pack. Now that I've got a proper desk to work on and a permanent roof over my head, I've been slowly trying to make a bit more time to seek entertainment and relax in between the jobs. It has some pros and cons, pros being that I finally get to play some games during the few hours of breaks I take once a day but cons being that I seem to get distracted a bit more than I used to compared to when I was traveling. If you're wondering what games I've been playing, I've recently got myself immersed in a game where you play the role of a peasant blacksmith's son who wants to go on an adventure and gets just that when some cumans raid his village and pillage/kill and burn everything to the ground. I was almost ready to drop it because it seemed a bit more complex than it needed to be and the tutorials almost overwhelmed me, but when I finally got around to mastering everything I ended up spending what little hours I can on the game. Right now I'm having a blast raising my Henry to become a priest wannabe during the day and during night, 1403 ninja warrior of Skaltiz. xD I've been back home for 2 months now, still getting adjusted to life here surprisingly... I guess that's to be expected when I've been living on the road for 2 years almost as a digital nomad. o.O Really...what was I thinking going on a world trip on a whim haha... but it's been a fun journey and it never would have been possible without everyone's support. Only a few more months to go before 2020 is officially over! How is everyone? Has life gone back to as you remember before all the COVID19 lockdowns started? Things haven't exactly calmed down around my neighborhood, I can only hope things will start to look up next year since it really feels like 2020 was a cruel year for all of us around the globe. Some people have been asking whether I will be debuting in the Vtubing scene and yes... that plan is still in motion... >.<;;; I'm drawing my character sheet for it to be turned into a facerig as a matter of fact. I plan on opening it publicly soonish... Expect an update regarding that either this week or early next week hehehe ^^;; But okay, enough with the chitchat of the month! Here is this month's gumroad pack! https://gumroad.com/l/Ssabi/pixiveeekumbokum (Copy Paste the link if it doesn't work) I would say this has been one of the largest packs I made if not the largest. But that was all possible due to the greedy collabs I pursued over the past 2 months haha... I'm hoping the next one will be a bit more manageable because I felt out of breath last month...and just as I was about to hit the enter button to send this. I just noticed that I named the file incorrectly on the RAR... It reads Volume 12 July... >.> err.... I hope you guys will forgive me for the typo. >.<;; As you can probably tell, it's really been so busy that I'm forgetting what month it is. I like to look back at my past before I've started working freelance on this platform because I was so clueless as to how this would all turn out and I'd question whether it was an endeavor worth pursuing. It's true that I've gotten so busy that I barely have time to enjoy an episode of anime or play a game for an hour or two but at the end of the day, I feel more fulfilled than ever being able to make art and send these out to you guys who look forward to our monthly exchange of letters. I think that's what I'd tell myself if I got the chance to go visit my past self. The only sad fact that's catching up to me is the lack of time to be more socializing with you guys on my discord. It's probably the only thing I miss when I compare myself from before (back when I had lots of free time to chat... ^^;; ) As always, I hope things have been looking up for everyone amidst the crisis we're all around the world. Please take good care of yourself and your loved ones, and enjoy this little gift from me! (lock your doors and make sure you open the file when you're alone...^^) Have another great month everyone and see you again next month! -FoxyRain




The discount code is expired... :(