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Thumbnail art: https://twitter.com/tonarianimation

Gawr Gura was walking along the shore, enjoying the sound of the waves crashing against the sand, the smell of salt in the air, and the sight of the horizon. She was wearing her favorite oversized hoodie, which gave her a sense of comfort and protection. Her shark-shaped hair ties bobbed up and down with each step she took, and her sapphire-blue trident was clutched tightly in her hand.

As she was walking, something caught her eye. It was a sea cucumber, but not like any she had ever seen before. Its body was pulsating, and its tentacles were moving in an unnatural way. She cautiously approached it, wondering if it was sick or injured.

Suddenly, without warning, one of the tentacles shot out and wrapped around her ankle. She screamed in terror and tried to pull away, but it was too strong. The tentacle dragged her towards the sea cucumber's body, which opened up like a giant mouth.

Gawr Gura struggled as she was pulled inside the creature. She could feel the slimy walls of its digestive tract closing in around her, and she knew that she was in grave danger. She tried to use her trident to pry the tentacle off of her, but it was no use. She was completely at the mercy of the sea cucumber.

As she was swallowed deeper and deeper, she began to feel a strange sensation in her body. It was like the walls of the creature's digestive tract were massaging her, breaking down her flesh and bones into a slurry. She tried to fight it, but her body was getting weaker by the second.

Eventually, Gawr Gura was deposited into the sea cucumber's testes. She was completely immersed in the creature's semen, which was slowly digesting her. Her clothes, accessories, and even her underwear were no match for the digestive enzymes that were breaking them down.

Days turned into weeks as Gawr Gura was digested and broken down into nothing more than a pile of semen. The sea cucumber eventually ejaculated everything except for her remains, which were too small to be noticed. Her clothes, accessories, and underwear were also completely digested, leaving no trace of her behind.

No one knew of Gawr Gura's fate. Her disappearance went unnoticed, and no one ever suspected that she had been eaten by a sea cucumber. Even if they had, there was no way to prove it. She had been completely digested and turned into nothing more than a memory.

The sea cucumber continued on with its life, completely oblivious to the fact that it had consumed and digested a living being. Gawr Gura was gone forever, her existence reduced to a pile of semen in the ocean.

As for her clothes, accessories, and underwear, they were scattered across the ocean floor, completely destroyed and unrecognizable. Her oversized hoodie was torn to shreds, her shark-shaped hair ties were dissolved, and even her trident had been corroded by the digestive enzymes.

In the end, Gawr Gura's story was a tragic one. She was just a young girl, walking along the shore, when she was taken by a sea creature and consumed. Her remains were destroyed, and her memory was forgotten. It was a fate that no one would ever want to endure.



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