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  • Laffey Worm Vore.mp4



Story: Laffey was peacefully sleeping, minding her own business. Unfortunately, she wakes up in a forest, not knowing where she exactly was and who brought her there. But when she saw a worm coming towards her, with her being tied up as well, she was very worried. The worm hurriedly came to her and swallowed her instantly with its fast throat. Laffey eventually came in to the worm's stomach, from there, the digestive juices immediately kicked in, and they had a special feature, they do not dissolve clothes at all and only the flesh and bones, so pretty much, Laffey was finished for good. After a painful endurance with her struggling, she eventually melted to be the worm's nutrition, she couldn't do anything but scream for her life, which is now gone, and only her clothes are left, once that was the case, the worm spit out her clothes through its second mouth and there it left her remains on the ground, no one had ever seen her since then. THE END



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