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Slime Eats Shiroko (Digestion) Story (every paragraph is per page) Shiroko was out riding her bike in the city of Kivotos wearing her biker outfit for a mission, specifically to hunt down the rumored "Voracious Slime", she was tasked to contain it. At first she was hesitant to go after it, but eventually accepted the mission. The reward was a high position in the Abydos Main Council to lead the other schools for peace. While she was trying to find the target, she heard something from the side of the bridge, she saw a strange purple puddle. She decided to stop to check it out. While she was trying to observe what the strange puddle was, the puddle had a mind of its own and suddenly enlarges itself to devour Shiroko. Once she realized she has been eaten, she was worried since it was the "Voracious Slime" she was trying to hunt for the mission, it has hunted her instead because it is the slime's instinct to wait for its prey on the most unobserved of places. Shiroko tried her best to struggle but the slime was too strong and slippery, it was no use to struggle free out of its grimy grasp. As Shiroko tried desperately to breathe, she slowly lost consciousness and get intoxicated with the slime's acidity. That made Shiroko lose her desperation and eventually give up on grabbing the slime to get it off her. Shiroko cried hoping she would be let go, but it's been ages since the slime had a good meal so she would be a perfect meal for the slime. The slime eventually ate Shiroko whole. As the slime voraciously tore her flesh, it also melted Shiroko's hairclip because of its potency (A quick note: a quirk that this slime has is that it leaves its prey's belongings untouched, while the prey's body is dissolved for nutrition). The slime kept eating Shiroko's body, melting every layer of her, including everything she owned except what she wore. Eventually the slime was successful in its hunt. Shiroko was no longer able to get herself out and melted for the slime's nutrition. Since these girls have halos, Shiroko's halo, despite herself melting, because of its unique material, it didn't melt, instead, it lost its meaning and color and fell from the slime's session to finish off Shiroko for good. Once the slime got satisfied with its successful hunt and meal, it got back to its instincts and went back to its place to hunt for more unfortunate girls to melt and consume nutrition. Shiroko's belongings were left on the ground to eventually, in the evening, be found by whom she was given the mission, they were saddened to see Shiroko's remains just lie on the ground without actually seeing or speaking to her about the mission, they will miss her and acknowledge what she has got herself into. THE END (Yes, I implied that this comic would probably have a sequel, it just depends on the situation and the time I have to make these, I strive to make more of these kinds of art, because they are beautiful and underrated)



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