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How about Guys, as creators of this project we are committed to you, so we are always aware of what is best for our followers and collaborators at Fanbox. Due to certain rules and policies established within Pixiv/Fanbox, we found it necessary to change platforms, since these new "conditions" directly affect our publications and recommendations for new collaborators and fans; Everything indicates that the creation/editing of Koikatsu content is in the private domain for Pixiv (this being a Japanese platform), since the closure of Ilusion (the game's development company) leaves the ability to use or continue using the game disabled since HE. considered as still part of the same company (copyright). We know that this is a bit strange since the game is still marketed on platforms like Steam or DLsite, so for us (on the other side of the pond xd) it is completely legal, but we reiterate, the platform being Japanese does not allow publication . or distribution of content in some cases, and for the sake of our work and all the people who have supported us to this day, we decided to move to Patreon to avoid possible problems with the platform, we will be publishing new content on the Patreon page, as well as the integration of a new level and exclusive benefits that we are sure will be of interest to you such as: 1. Card customization, 2. One Commission per collaborator (subject to request), 3. Access to new versions, 4. Customized outfits, 5. Voting for future OC's and New characters... among other things. We hope you can continue supporting us and can continue being part of this project, we are very excited to make new interactions with you, and we appreciate your understanding and appreciation, a big hug and see you on Patreon!!!! P.S.: For those who paid their subscription during the month of January, the new cards will be sent until the 15th of this month, from then on they will be able to purchase them by supporting the Patreon page. New Enlace: https://www.patreon.com/Diemar P.S. Diemor: We will soon be eliminating the Fanbox subscription, first of all I wanted to dedicate a few words to you, I know it could be a drastic change, we have been thinking about it for a while, but we saw this change as necessary, if you like you can continue supporting our work by being collaborators and even closer with this type of additions and new dynamics, but if not, I want you to know that you are here for a month or two, thank you very much for considering my work worthy of your investment, little by little we have gone improving in our designs and all thanks to the support of subscribers, but more of the collaborators, who have given us the extra impulse to improve, and nothing haha, I hope to see you on the new page and give you the most exotic characters that I can create for myself creativity.



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