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Howdy All, I'm reintroducing the old choose your own adventure style match but this time I'm giving the commenters control. Basically, I'll select up to 5 comments each round and apply them. Chelsea gets 2 comments and the Jobber Squad gets 3 comments split amongst them. Comments when chosen won't always succeed. For example, if you commented: "Velvet: Deadlift Chelsea" She would certainly try but fail miserably. So be smart! (= I imagine each side will have it's supporters. Can you guide the Jobber Squad in overwhelming Chelsea? Or will Chelsea end up on top of a Jobber Pileup again? You decide!




Ok I think Chelsea should throw Velvet or Vivian into a chair trapping them for a little bit.


That's hard lol


If no one else comments Chelsea should also bop Viv on the head with the baton!


Maybe have Chelsea handcuff the brainy velvet in the corner so she cant interfere


Viv and Velvet jump on top of Chelsea while Vivian quickly grabs the pair of handcuffs.


Alright then, how about Chelsea charges Viv attempting to hit a closeline or something, then Velvet and Vivian use the rope to trip her mid charge causing Chelsea to spear Viv due to her forward momentum. Velvet and Vivian lose their composure a bit not expecting that to happen and Velvet tells Vivian to go grab a baton and handcuffs while she tries to help Viv. Meanwhile Chelsea had already adapted to the situation and started to breast smother Viv. Velvet tries to get Chelsea off Viv and Vivian arrives with the requested weapons and smacks Chelsea with the baton. If I need to not be as specific lmk. I understand I'm just supposed to put actions so I'll lay off the details next time.