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今日もお疲れ様!! 皆は歌う事は好きかな?ゾン子は音痴だけどだいすきだよ! ゾン子は最近『KING』にハマっていて沢山練習しているよ! ・・・でも高音が出なくてなかなか上手く歌えない!!! 沢山練習して上手くなってみんなを惚れさせたい・・・! 限定配信で同じ曲を何回も練習してみようかな? 絶対絶対うまくなってやるううううう!! 今週もまだまだ頑張っていこうね! Good work today! Do you all like to sing? I'm not very good at singing, but I love it! I've been practicing a lot lately because I'm addicted to "KING"! But I can't sing well because I can't get the high notes! But I can't sing very well because I can't hit the high notes... I want to practice a lot to get better and make everyone fall in love with me...! I want to get better and make everyone fall in love with me... I think I'll try practicing the same song over and over again with the limited distribution. I'll definitely get better! Let's keep up the good work this week!




頑張るゾンちゃん良き良き! 応援してるから頑張~れ!


Zon's singing is already beautiful! But I understand that you want to improve even more, and nothing would make me happier than to support you as you gets better and better with each passing day! ゾンさんの歌はすでに美しいですね でも、もっと上達したいという気持ちはわかりますし、日を追うごとにどんどん上達していく姿を応援することができれば、これほど嬉しいことはありません


KING is really difficult but I think you can do it! So we'll all be cheering you on! KINGは本当に難しいですが、できると思いますよ。だから、みんなで応援しています! (DeepL)


"KING "100回配信が決定しました。wwwwww “KING” 100 times stream coming soon? Wwwwww


私がZonBkoを好きな理由は、彼女の決断力です ! また歌が聴けるのを楽しみにしています。 The reason I like ZonBko is her determination! I'm looking forward to hearing her sing again.




お歌練習配信、楽しみです(♡ω♡ ) ~♪