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After a quick browse of the "Loli" tagged Fanboxes out there, it appears I may have been too overly cautious. Maybe the whole "Miscreant" system I implemented isn't necessary. I know it is impossible for the Fanbox/Pixiv mods to scan through every Fanbox in this short amount of time but I have yet to hear of anyone getting archived. I will give it a week or so to see if reports of archived Fanboxes start surfacing.

At the least, I will leave the "Miscreant" system intact. At most, I will start posting models at their true age but fully clothed and in no suggestive poses.

I spent SO many hours "fixing" all of this for these new rules and it may have been all for naught. 😟 😡

I wish you all a fantastic rest of the week and weekend!

It's time to focus back on model/scene/video creation. These new rules can fuck off! I've wasted enough time on them!!

Pimp, Out!





Thanks for stopping by Key. I dunno about you bro, but I am 100% done worrying about this fiasco. It's back to normalcy for me! =)