NLOP Progress (Pixiv Fanbox)
2022-08-15 10:14:20
2022-08-15 10:17:55
Just a quick NLOP progress report. The bodies of Laneya and her alt are 90% complete. The faces however, not so much.
I started sculpting one instance of Laneya smiling. But when I removed the smile, the laugh lines and other facial morphs made her face all wonky. So I created an alt to sculpt at the same time with a neutral expression. I also made the alt a tad thinner.
I am still not happy with the eyes and laugh lines on either model. But I am continuing to work at it and am have fun tweaking them.
I am curious as to if ya'll Googled this wonderous creature, what you thought of her IRL and the models as well. Let me know!